Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weather Update

Many of you have undoubtedly peeked out your window within the last 48 hours and witnessed in awe (maybe horror) the incomprehensible volume of flaky precipitation blanketing our city streets. With this in mind I would ask all of you to email me with your concerns or questions regarding transportation. As of today the buses are still running and I'm sure a car or two has passed along my street. Situations change so I'm willing to provide you with information regarding bus routes or road conditions. To further cajole you from beneath your electric blankets and out of your respective abodes I'll be providing attendees with free coffee-as in drip coffee-not lattes or extra-hot, no-whip, fat-free, sugar-free peppermint breve latte with two cups instead of a sleeve. Feel free to email or call me at anytime.

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