Thursday, February 26, 2009

Email Campaign

TCC United Against the Budget Cuts is launching an email campaign aimed at encouraging students, faculty, staff, citizens and parents to send a clear message to their legislators in Olympia: Don't cut the means to Washington State's recovery! We are also encouraging everyone to offer their personal suggestions on ways to increase the revenue available for state spending. Remember to tell them your personal story and explain in detail how the budget cuts will affect you.

Please join us in our campaign by taking 5 minutes out of your day to write or call your representatives.

If you look to the right you will see the "Find Your Legislator" link, left click on it. The link will bring you to the Washington State Legislator's "Find your legislator" page. Enter the necessary information, collect your representatives' email addresses and start writing!

Send us an email if you have any questions or comments.



Saturday, February 14, 2009

It Has Been Too Long

Hello All,

It has been a while since I last updated the blog and mailing list. I plan on updating it much more regularly now as we build momentum. As of late we have traveled to Olympia twice; once to testify before the house and a second time before the Senate. The public hearing before the Senate seemed much more positive overall. We have begun to make progress which is heartening, to say the least. Mike and Joseph have also become Student Senators at TCC and Jesse will soon follow; this is important as it offers us another avenue of support.

On Monday we'll be heading down to Olympia to join in a rally alongside the Evergreen Committee for Full Funding and the Washington Federation of State Employees. You are all encouraged to come. More information will be posted at the bottom of this post.

Yesterday I spoke with a lobbyist for a community college in the area. He informed me that legislators take note of as little as "8-10 emails." With this in mind I strongly suggest all of you to use our "Find You Legislator" link to determine your representatives and then send them a well worded message asking them to not cut higher education. I want to remind you though that while we are urging you to write your representatives please do not simply stop there. We must continue lobbying in Olympia, attend rallies and garner on-campus support from students, faculty and staff. It is imperative we recognize the need for shoring up mass, active support for full funding of higher education.

Thank you for all your time and input, we greatly appreciate your efforts and interest in the fight against budget cuts.

Rally Information:

Monday, February 16, 2009
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Tivoli Fountain Fountain, Washington State Capitol Campus
Olympia, WA

For directions please email