Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gregiore appeals to President-Elect Obama for more money

The Seattle Post Intelligencer reports Christine Gregiore, along with governors from across the country, met with President-Elect Obama on Monday and Tuesday to discuss federal financial assistance for states, such as Washignton, facing state budget deficits. The P.I. reports Gov. Gregiore stated, "her priorities for federal aid are investments in infrastructure to create jobs and help fending off cuts in Medicaid" and that "she would seek at least $600 million in infrastructure spending". What is not mentioned however are any appeals made by Gregiore for the Washington state higher education system; nor has higher education been reported as a "top priority". Gregiore has failed to make a case in favor of higher education while tax payers have recently been forced to shoulder the burden of funding an enormous $700 billion bailout for Wall Street banks.

It is up to us: the students, the teachers, the staff and the workers of Washington state higher education to organize against attacks on higher education! We must demand the state's higher education budget be fully protected! We must stand together to Stop The Cuts!

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